2021i4, Monday: Does "any" really mean "any"?

These notes may be brief this week. I'm in a hearing Monday to Thursday, and daughter's (initially remote) school is restarting tomorrow. So I'll focus on SIROTI, with other things when I can.

Short thought: I'm pondering (for a client) what the word "enactment" means in a UK statute. On the face of it, it's straightforward: it means something which has been enacted as written statute, whether through primary or secondary legislation. But does "enactment" (the reference here is s43L(2) of the Employment Rights Act 1996, saying that a "reward payable by or under any enactment" doesn't count as "personal gain" for the purposes of working out whether whistleblowing is protected or not), mean solely domestic legislation? Or would - say - a whistleblowing payout by a foreign regulator under its domestic statutes be covered? I incline towards thinking it does, not least because I can't think of a reason why "any" shouldn't mean just that. But I'm happy to be contradicted.

Someone is right on the internet: I first got interested in Japan in my early teens. (It was samurai and ninja that did it, of course. I was 13, after all.) But the delight in the country blossomed like a tree in cherry season, and my first degree was in Japanese. (I’d also done a school history project on the rise and near-extinction of Christianity in Japan in the 16th and 17th centuries. And this in the pre-Internet times. I can’t recall how I found the sources.)

For various stupid reasons I haven’t been back there for 20 years, so reading Craig Mod’s dispatches, often tracing his walks through Japan, is a vicarious delight.

Like anyone else worth reading online, he takes me to sites (as well as sights) I might not otherwise have found. Like this entrancing, magical and scholarly (in the best sense) New York Times piece on Hokusai. Seriously: no description by me can do it justice. Go and revel in it.